Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Who drives a technical design?

Part 2 of a 4 part series (originally posted 20 Aug 2018)

So we have a problem which is meaty enough that we don’t think we want to approach it in a purely tactical way, and we’ll even assume we have defined at least the general outlines of what we want this design to accomplish. Who should turn this into a design detailed enough to implement?

Before I discuss who, let me say this is an intrinsically messy process. There are a bunch of things we want out of our design. Things to do now or save for another day. People (in various roles) with opinions (either because, well, people have opinions, or more nobly, because they have a specific organizational goal they are trying to achieve). See for example Gregor Hohpe’s The Architect Elevator. Issues like reliability, security, accessibility, and branding. A large design space (a distinguishing character of software being its malleability—or at least potential for malleability). Pros and cons for pretty much every aspect.

If that seems daunting, don’t despair. Just don’t be surprised if a decision which was discussed at length, carefully considered, agreed by all, and signed off subsequently starts to seem less settled. Or someone who you had thought was aware of what was going on suddenly “discovers” your design and has suggestions. Or your scope seems to keep expanding or contracting.

The most important person in this process is the one who is refining the design and who will be involved in implementing it. We can call them the “responsible” person (although don’t think of the roles too rigidly—I did say this process tends to be on the messy side, didn’t I?). To do all these things, and have time for this design, the responsible person needs to be able to focus on this (usually, this means they aren’t a manager).

But that person can’t produce a good design by sitting in a room and thinking hard (if for no other reason, because getting buy-in is a key part of what will make this design get implemented and achieve its goals). Therefore their main activity is going to be communication. I’ll have a separate post about how to communicate and what to communicate, but in the context of “who”, identify who should be “consulted”. That is, who needs to be aware of the design and would have good ideas about how to do it. Broadcasting what you are doing and inviting input works well, but I’d also directly seek out the people who will be most knowledgeable or important.

One rule of thumb for involving a lot of people is “accept input widely, accept direction narrowly”. You want to hear from as many perspectives as you can. Whether or not you take the advice, thank people and appreciate that they took the time to engage with you. These will be the people who help communicate the changes you are making.

Saying “accept direction narrowly” raises the question of who ultimately will be deciding. This role is generally called the “approver” and will often be the manager of the responsible person (the details will depend on your organization, though). Sign-offs are a good way of formalizing decisions already made and making sure that there is sufficient buy-in throughout the organization. They aren’t good at exploring different possible solutions or weighing pros and cons, so think of formal sign-off type processes (if you have them) as a way of ratifying what is already understood, not as a way of hashing out agreements.

Lastly we have people who aren’t necessarily providing input but who should be “informed” about the design. The basic goal here is to cast as wide a net as feasible (in accordance with “err on the side of overcommunicating” which tends to be good advice especially in larger organizations). Think of ways to reach a variety of audiences: different levels of detail, different ways of presenting the work (for example, it can work to have one document which is technical and one which is more about the business goals and rationales—as long as they are reasonably in sync on topics such as what is in or out of scope), or different places you can announce what you are doing and offer to answer questions or sync up with interested parties.

Describing the responsible, approver, consulted, and informed roles makes it clear that communication is central to the process of making technical decisions and being ready to put them into practice. The next two parts of this series will be about how to communicate, and what topics to include in that communication.

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