Thursday, January 04, 2007

new Integer(5) versus Integer.valueOf(5)

Seems that findbugs warns you if you call new Integer(5) instead of the (new with Java 1.5) Integer.valueOf(5). The point of the latter is that it might return you an existing object rather than creating a new instance.

I'll get back to the Integer.valueOf case, but on the general topic of trying to avoid object creation, there has been a long and largely unhappy history of this in Java. For example, see Allocation is faster than you think, and getting faster.

To summarize the possible problems with object caching and pooling:

* One can accidentally end up sharing a mutable object where the simple design calls for an unshared object. One way to avoid this problem is just to use immutable objects, for example joda-time objects instead of java.util.Date objects. In the Integer.valueOf example, Integer is immutable, so we don't have this problem.

* Pooling almost always complicates the code. Not so much of an issue for Integer.valueOf, in the sense that the standard library has the extra code, we just need to figure out whether to call it.

* Object pools can cause synchronization bottlenecks. There are of course complicated solutions, like separate pools for each thread. In the Integer case, this is Integer.valueOf's problem (and the Sun J2SE 1.5 implementation solves it by just allocating a fixed size pool on startup).

* Object pools tend to increase memory consumption. Often the performance hit of chewing up extra memory (for a long time) will exceed the allocation/deallocation overhead (which may involve a short-lived object, the cheapest kind). Again, in the Integer.valueOf case that's someone else's problem not ours (and in the Sun J2SE 1.5 implementation anyway, the size of the object pool is fixed at JVM startup and won't change based on anything we do).

So having exhausted the usual arguments against object pools, I conclude that it is in fact a good thing to call Integer.valueOf instead of new Integer.

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